Development of Strategic Communication Skills: Lessons from Visegrad Four’s Experience

The team of Strategic Analysis supports The Armenian Institute of International and Security Affairs in the implementation of the project “Development of Strategic Communication Skills: Lessons from Visegrad Four’s Experience”, supported by the International Visegrad Fund.
For a long time, Armenia has been facing dis- and misinformation, fake news, cyber threats, and other impediments to democratic development. That includes disinformation and hostile propaganda against the EU-Armenia cooperation, and, particularly, against the EU monitoring mission deployed along the Armenia-Azerbaijan border, as well as against the EU’s and the United States‘ conflict mediation efforts. These are combined with narratives undermining state sovereignty. Dis- and misinformation also aggravated the course of the Covid pandemic and weakened the vaccination efforts and has had various other negative effects. While a few civil servants have had opportunities to participate in strategic communication courses abroad, there is an apparent lack of effective strategic communication and coordinated efforts in that regard.
The project is aimed at developing and introducing a course on strategic communication and hybrid threats for Armenian public servants and representatives of civil society organizations. The course will combine online and on-site teaching with practical assignments and would use experience and know-how provided by Armenian experts and V4 partners.
The proposed course will familiarize a few dozens of Armenian civil servants and civil society organizations’ experts with recent studies and practices pertaining to the field, equipping them with some knowledge and theory, as well as practical skills. Overall, it is planned that in addition to the possibility of applying the improved skills by civil servants, participating civil society organizations will also be better prepared to analyze various hybrid threats and to act as opinion multipliers. Considering the disinformation narratives which currently constitute the main threat and their extent, the course would particularly involve participants from different governmental organizations, CSOs working in the regions and vulnerable groups. The course would also serve as a basis for regular courses on this and related topics. Cooperation with educational institutions towards the development of a structured academic course would be sought as well.
The proposed project would also serve as a model for regular courses covering the topic. Tentatively, the course may cover the following topics:
- Leadership and decision-making
- StratCom fundamentals (persuasion, campaign planning and implementation, conflict analysis and dialogue)
- StratCom concepts (communication effects, narrative analysis and development, the role of mass media in the implementation of StratCom priorities)
- StratCom and hybrid threats
- The role of StratCom in dealing with cybersecurity, and hybrid threats
- Disinformation, fake news, propaganda (strategic narratives as resilience-building instruments against disinformation)
- Developing resilience through media and digital competences
- Crisis management and crisis communication
The project will allow to development of the already established cooperation with some of the V4 partners and to develop new partnerships and to use the partners‘ know-how and practical tools, which have already been applied in Central Europe, the Western Balkans, and some of the Eastern Partnership countries. It would also introduce elements similar to the short-term strategic communication course organized by the European Security and Defense College for teaching in Armenia. The project will help to deepen our institution’s cooperation with state agencies and policy experts, to make additional contributions to the policy debate, and, overall, to improve state and social resilience against the current hybrid threats.
The regional scope of the project will allow combining the partner institutions‘ experiences and expertise, and to compare policy approaches in V4 states and beyond. Furthermore, the project will establish a basis for further institutional cooperation with the partners.
For more information, please check the website here:
This project is implemented in partnership with:
Project Activities
Workshop on Strategic Communication Skills, July 24 – 27, 2023, Yerevan, Armenia
Jan Cingel, our Founder and President contributed to the workshop in the project Development of Strategic Communication Skills: Lessons from Visegrad Four’s Experience on July 24-27, 2023 in Yerevan, Armenia.
The project is aimed at developing and introducing a course on strategic communication and hybrid threats for Armenian public servants and representatives of civil society organizations. The course combines online and on-site teaching with practical assignments and utilizes the experience and know-how provided by Armenian experts and V4 partners.
The grant holder and the main project coordinator is the Armenian Institute of International and Security Affairs—AIISA, an independent Yerevan-based think tank. The project is supported by the International Visegrad Fund. Partners of the project are the Institute for Politics and Society, Res Publica Foundation, and Center for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy.
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