Developing public servants’ skills: policy design and evaluation

The team of Strategic Analysis supports the Centre of Policy Studies in implementing the project “Developing public servants’ Skills: Policy Design and Evaluation”, supported by the International Visegrad Fund.
The project will deepen already established cooperation with policy experts in both Armenia and V4 states, let to develop the policy dialogue with Armenian state agencies, educational institutions and civil society organisations, and to collect information for adjusting future courses’ curricula to different state agencies’ specific needs.
It is planned to organize a policy design and evaluation course, specially tailored for the Armenian context, for a group of Armenian public servants and junior university lecturers, using experience and know-how provided by Armenian experts and V4 partners (Budapest Institute, Institute for Politics and Society, Res Publica Foundation, and Strategic Analysis Think Tank). Case studies and practical examples taken from different countries’ experience will help the participants to relate to the approaches presented, and to compare policy approaches in Armenia, V4 states and beyond. The course will help the participants to place public policy in a wider web of endeavours and disciplines.
This project is implemented in partnership with:
Project Activities
Public Policy Design and Evaluation Course, April 8 – April 12, Yerevan, Armenia.
From April 8th to April 12th, a Public Policy Design and Evaluation course took place in Yerevan. The course was led by experts from the „Res Publica“ Foundation (Poland), the Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis (Hungary), the Institute for Politics and Society (Czech Republic), and the Strategic Analysis Think Tank (Slovakia).
During this event, partner experts presented strategic communication tools and risks before policymaking begins, as well as the role of communication actors and stakeholders in the process.
On April 10th, the experts and participants of the course met with the Ambassador of the Czech Republic Petr Pirunčík, the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic Miroslav Hacek, and the Head of the Political-Economic Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland Marcin Różycki.
The meeting discussed the needs of the participants‘ institutions and the possibilities to expand international expert cooperation and professional training activities.
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