19th INTERNATIONAL E-SOCIETY CONFERENCE: Experiences of AI-generated Disinformation in the Western Balkans

On December 19, our President - Jan Cingel, attended an International E-Society Conference - Artificial Intelligence & Human Rights: Finding the Right Balance Between Innovation & Responsibility, which was held in Skopje, North Macedonia.

19th INTERNATIONAL E-SOCIETY CONFERENCE: Experiences of AI-generated Disinformation in the Western Balkans2024-02-26T11:49:25+01:00

Fighting the Behemoth: New Age of AI-fuelled Active Measures

From its potential in military forecasting, reconnaissance, and intelligence analysis to its satirical online presence through US Presidents playing Minecraft, deep fakes, ChatGPT, election fraud, etc., artificial intelligence, or shortly AI, is quickly becoming a potential challenge in national (and international) politics, media, and national security in general.

Fighting the Behemoth: New Age of AI-fuelled Active Measures2024-02-26T11:50:56+01:00

VERITYCON 23: Navigating the Disinformation Era

The VerityCon23, organized by the Western Balkans Fund, is a joint effort of governments in the region, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. It plays a key role in promoting people-to-people relations and addressing current challenges.

VERITYCON 23: Navigating the Disinformation Era2024-02-26T11:52:14+01:00

Policy Papers: Combating Disinformation in the Western Balkans –  Young Leaders Perspective 

These policy papers offer fresh insights into critical topics connected with disinformation that impact the Western Balkans.

Policy Papers: Combating Disinformation in the Western Balkans –  Young Leaders Perspective 2024-02-26T11:52:39+01:00

Public Discussion: Analysing Polarization in Georgia and V4 States: Domestic and External Factors

On September 29, 2023, our President and Founder - Mr. Jan Cingel,  contributed to the Online Public Discussion about Analyzing Polarization in Georgia and V4 states.  The virtual discussion was held under the project “Supporting Decrease of Media Polarization in Georgia and V4 States.” supported by the International Visegrad Fund and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Korea. 

Public Discussion: Analysing Polarization in Georgia and V4 States: Domestic and External Factors2024-02-26T12:01:54+01:00

Workshop: Development of Strategic Communication Skills: Lessons from Visegrad Four’s Experience

Jan Cingel contributed to the Workshop taking place within the project Development of Strategic Communication Skills: Lessons from Visegrad Four's Experience on July 24-27, 2023 in Yerevan, Armenia.

Workshop: Development of Strategic Communication Skills: Lessons from Visegrad Four’s Experience2024-02-26T12:03:38+01:00

Analysis of hybrid threats in the Western Balkans: Challenges and actors with potential impact on the security of the Slovak Republic

The aim of the project is to better understand the challenge of hybrid threats in the Western Balkans region for representatives of the foreign policy and security expert community in Slovakia by analyzing the current situation, conditions, instruments, actors and relationships directly in the target region through a whole-of-society approach.

Analysis of hybrid threats in the Western Balkans: Challenges and actors with potential impact on the security of the Slovak Republic2024-02-26T12:13:37+01:00

PUBLIC HATE SPEECH: state-sponsored propaganda and hate speech in Eastern Europe

From June 3 to June 13, our Executive Director - Ms. Alexandra Tóthová, participated as a speaker in a panel of activists and journalists from different (Central and Eastern) European countries fighting against publicly funded political propaganda

PUBLIC HATE SPEECH: state-sponsored propaganda and hate speech in Eastern Europe2024-02-26T12:04:10+01:00

Georgian Prime Minister Garibashvili at GLOBSEC 2023 – “NATO expansion caused the war in Ukraine, but the United States is our number one strategic partner.”

Today, Georgia seems hopelessly polarised in everything - in its day-to-day politics, in its values, and in what the government does or does not do.

Georgian Prime Minister Garibashvili at GLOBSEC 2023 – “NATO expansion caused the war in Ukraine, but the United States is our number one strategic partner.”2024-02-26T12:12:05+01:00

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